Saving Account.

  • A savings account is a type of bank account where you can deposit money and earn interest on the balance over time. It's generally used for saving money rather than for everyday transactions, and it often offers lower interest rates compared to other investment options but with the benefit of easy access to funds.
  • This Saving Account Scheme has been designed to help individuals to inculcate the habit of saving money and to meet their future needs. The amount can be withdrawn from these accounts by way of withdrawal slips /cheque/ATM.

  • Document required for savings account
        Originals of documents for reference and verification and required to be presented and certified true copies to           be submitted for bank's record.
  1. Proof of Identity (any one of following): Aadhar Card, Passport, PAN card ,Voter's identity card, Driving License
  2. Proof of Address (any one of Following): Aadhar Card, Telephone bill ,Bank account statement, Letter from any recognized public authority, Ration card
  3. Two recent passport sized photograph.

Facilities offered:–
  • Any Branch Banking
  • ATM Card
  • Personalized Cheque Book
  • SMS Banking

Saving Interest rate 2.7 %

RBI Kehta Hai